Stream your favourite Playstation Games on PC with PS NOW!

Sony have confirmed that their Playstation Now subscription network will be expanding to Windows PCs, initially in Europe and then moving to North America. The System allows users with compatible devices to stream whole games, Netflix style, to their PC or laptop.

This offers a new opportunity for many people to play PS3 and Vita games which they may have missed out on in the last console generation, without having to deal with emulation or any of the associated issues.

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Titanfall 2 Tech Test Starts Tomorrow!

EA and Respawn Entertainment have announced that they will be laucnhing a tech test for Titanfall 2 on August 19th and run till August 21. A second test will then run from August 26th to the 28th. This will ostensibly be about testing the servers and making sure that the framework of the game will be able to stand up to the launch day pressure.

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No Man’s Sky Review: A Universe of Moments

No Man’s Sky, from the comparatively small team at Hello Games, is a game balancing on a tightrope. It is both indie and mainstream, confoundingly huge and yet incredibly personal. The game is straddling the lines of two of the biggest genres that exist in modern gaming, and not quite managing to exemplify either.

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Metal Gear Survive: Konami Zombifies Metal Gear

Well this feels appropriate. Announced today, Konami presents Metal Gear Survive for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The game represents a turnaround for Konami, who had been very reticent to commit to  any major games releases on the traditional consoles and were thought to be focusing heavily on Pachinko games. The lack of the “Solid” subtitle betrays the fact that series protagonist Snake will not be featuring, so check out your new heroes below.

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Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: Overwatch gets a new map!

Today Blizzard unveiled the newest content for Overwatch, a brand new map for all versions of the game on PC, Xbox One and PS4. Set in Germany, and therefore linked to Reinhardt’s storyline, the map is set to be properly unveiled at Gamescom. With Season One of competitive ending, and another set of patches coming shortly, now is the perfect time to hop back in and hopefully change the dynamic up on the whole game.

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